What Causes Window Leaks?

Now that the temperature is finally beginning to drop, you might start to notice that one or more of your windows has a leak. Window leaks can be small and easy to ignore, but they can cause big problems for your home. They can let in a draft and raise the cost of your HVAC bills or give small critters easy access to the interior of your home. In the worst case scenario, the moisture from outdoors can leak through your window and cause damage to your home in the form of mold, mildew, or rot. Window leaks are a pesky issue to have to address. So what causes window leaks anyway? Today we’ll get into a few of the most common reasons why your window might have a leak.

Cracking Caulk

One of the most common causes of leaky windows is caulk that’s past its prime. The caulk around your window is used to give it an airtight seal even in the midst of bad weather. But even good caulk will eventually start to deteriorate.  When that happens, draft is able to leak through the cracks. If you notice your caulk cracking, it might be tempting to cover it with newer seal, but that cracking speaks to the structure of your caulk as a whole. It’s better to take the whole thing out when you notice it going bad and simply replace it.

Faulty Glass

Caulk isn’t the only kind of seal that your window should have. You may notice moisture between the glass panes of your window. Even if it doesn’t leak to the other side of your window (in the form of window condensation), it’s still a bad sign for your home’s insulation. Your glass is letting in too much moisture, cold air, and probably hot air during the warmer months. This can cause your HVAC use to spike. If you’re the kind of person who cares about your carbon footprint–or just saving money on energy bills–you may want to consider switching to a more energy efficient window.

Weather Damage

Heavy rains and wind can wear down the insulation of your window. Whether it’s the structure of the glass, the window frame, or eroding the caulk, if you don’t have sturdy windows prepared for extreme weather, you’re going to have leaks. It’s also important to make sure the rest of the house is doing its job to protect your windows. Take a look at your gutters. Are they clogged? Clean them out. Are they broken? Repair them. If your gutters don’t do their part to funnel rainwater away from the house, that storm damage is poured onto your window, causing disastrous effects. But even the extreme heat of summer can have an effect on the structure of the window, so make sure you have a sturdy, energy efficient window.

If you frequently have a problem with window leaks, it may be time to switch to new windows. Windham Construction provides sturdy, airtight windows in a wide variety of tints, colors, and openings. These windows will improve the look and insulation of your home at the same time. Windham Construction has over 20 years of experience providing home remodeling service to the Bryan-College Station area. They’re experts at remodeling and window installation. Contact them today for a free estimate for your window installation.