Archives for March 2018

3 Ways to Prepare for Your Remodeling Consultation

When you’re in need of general remodeling, you’ll first have to schedule a consultation with the construction company. Most contractors offer this consultation for free in order to get an idea of what you need and what they can offer before making any commitments. In this consultation, you’ll discuss cost, the work, and the contractor’s certifications that enable them to take on the project. But between the time the consultation is scheduled and the time it takes place, you’ll need to do some preparation yourself. Here are a few tips to prepare for your remodeling consultation.

Plot out an Informed Budget

Before the consultant arrives, have an idea of what you can afford. You may research costs of similar remodeling projects in your area so as to be better informed. It may be wise to set a budget for slightly lower than you can comfortably afford, so that if throughout the course of the project you have to go a little over budget, you won’t break the bank in doing so. Even with a skilled professional, often in remodeling projects it’s best to expect the unexpected.

Brainstorm Design Ideas

Knowing that you need remodeling work done is not the same as knowing exactly what you want for your remodeling work. Of course, your remodeling contractors are the professionals, but they’re not mind readers. You should still be able to present an idea to them during the consultation of what you’d like. Many homeowners will cut out excerpts from design magazines or even create a Pinterest board to give the consultant an idea of the look they want. These design ideas should tie into your budget so make sure you have an idea of what they cost. If you have a tight budget, you may not be able to afford marble countertops or high tech kitchen sinks. Be imaginative, but be practical, too.

Research the Construction Company

And of course, you want to do your homework on the construction company before you make a final decision to hire them for your remodeling project. Most of this research, such as looking up customer reviews and perusing their website, should be done before you schedule a consultation, but you can continue to research the company after that point as well. How much experience do they have in your area? What’s their BBB rating? Are they insured and bonded? Think of a list of questions to ask the consultant on the day of the consultation. Write them down so you won’t forget anything.

Windham Construction has been providing construction work, including general remodeling, to Brazos Valley and the surrounding areas for over 20 years. We’d love to set up a free consultation to discuss your next remodeling project and what we can do to help. Contact us today for more information.

The Importance of Airtight Windows

How much air do your windows let in?

You may not have given it much thought before. Your windows are closed, after all, and the seal seems to be working. But how much air is leaking through the glass, either into your home or out? Every window has some amount of Air Leakage, or the rate at which air leaks through the glass. The scale for functional windows runs from .1 to .3. The lower the number, the less air leaks through your windows. If your AL number is too high, this could lead to higher energy bills and even damage to your walls or home.

Here’s why it’s so important to have airtight windows that let in the least amount of air.

Home Comfort

If your windows let too much air leak in or out of your home, your insulation will be poor, and you’ll be able to feel that inside. You may notice a draft in a particular room in the winter. Since air can leak outside the home as well, it may be that you have to turn the heating units up higher in order to feel the desired amount of home heating because the hot air keeps escaping outside. In the summer, your home may become stuffy and uncomfortable. Neither of these conditions are acceptable for your home. You should feel more comfortable at home than anywhere else. When you don’t, it may lead you to using more energy to make up the difference.

Energy Efficiency

If your windows leak too much air, you may find yourself cranking the heating or air systems in order to feel more comfortable at home. If you feel more comfortable in the moment, you can rest assured that you won’t feel comfortable when the energy bills start to come in. While some homeowners may be inclined to wait until the window is obviously broken to replace it, this could cost them more in the end because of high HVAC and energy bills. An airtight window, on the other hand, can save you hundreds each year.

Unwanted Guests

One of the first hints of windows with a high AL rate is window condensation. Moisture may start to form on the glass, the window frame, and the nearby walls where the cold air meets the warm air inside your home. Not only is window condensation unsightly but it can lead to problems like mold and mildew if it’s not nipped in the bud. But window condensation isn’t the only unwanted guest you might have to contend with. If the seal on your window isn’t secure, your window may be letting in bugs and pests which can quickly become comfortable in your home. With a good seal and window glass that has a low AL rate, you can keep all of these issues out of your home and your peace of mind.

At Windham Construction, we understand the importance of airtight windows. That’s why we offer efficient windows that help you retain the air inside your home while keeping drafts out. If you feel air passing through your window, contact us today about a repair or a replacement.