What to Expect from a Kitchen Remodel

Summer is a great time for a kitchen remodel. The longer days offer more lighting as the contractors work on your new kitchen, and while your stove and oven are off limits, you have an excuse to use the grill and have dinner outside. However, if you’ve never had a kitchen remodeled before, you may be daunted by the idea of chaos reigning over a significant portion of your home. You also may be worried about how the finished project will turn out.

Fortunately, when you hire a professional remodeling contractor to redo your kitchen, much of the stress is taken out of your hands. These experts know exactly what to do and how to do it most efficiently. While your kitchen might look like a mess for a short time, the finished product will make it all worth it. That said, there will be some disruptions it helps to know what you can expect so you can be prepared.


Noise is an inevitable part of any kitchen remodeling. Sadly, they just haven’t invented a way to make nail guns, compressors and the like quiet. This can be distressing if you have pets or small children in your home, but even if you live alone all the noise will certainly be distracting. This might be a good time to take advantage of that beautiful sunny weather and spend the day outside or visit a friend. Go see a movie or go to the park for the day. As long as your contractor has your phone number and can reach you if needed, it’s perfectly fine — and possibly recommended — to spend a day out.


We all know logically that in order to remodel a room, especially a kitchen, it has to be messy first. Walls might come down. Flooring could be taken out. Appliances will be changed. It’s one thing to know that, however, and another to see it in your own home. The sight of dust and ruins of your old kitchen can be discouraging, but know that this isn’t the finished project. No contractor is going to tear your kitchen apart and then walk away. If you did your research on your remodeling professionals, you know that they have a reputation for quality and by the time the job is finished, you’ll have the kitchen you wanted and they’ll clean up the mess.

The Unexpected

No matter what the project, the one thing you can count on is the unexpected. It may be that a wall you planned to remove is a load bearing wall. You may find water damage, a pest problem, or mold. There could be delay from material suppliers or any number of scenarios that you haven’t imagined. That’s not to say that these things will ruin your project. Usually, they just present a hurdle that might change your plans or finish date. But you should expect that the project won’t go 100% according to plan, and that the contractor will be able to find a way around the hurdle.

A Finished Project that Wows

All remodeling projects have bumps and hiccups, but if you have the right contractor, the look of the finished project will make you forget every disruption and delay. There’s nothing quite like walking into a finished, fresh looking kitchen after living through a remodel. You’ll want to have friends over right away to show off.

At Windham Construction, we have over 20 years of experience providing all kinds of remodeling services, including kitchen remodeling, to Brazos Valley. If you’re interested in your own kitchen remodel or have more questions about living through a kitchen remodel, contact us.